伟思与美国最专业,最具特色的住家协会之一CEH (California English Homestay)合作帮助安排中国学生和家长们入住加州教师家庭,亲身体会美国中产阶级的生活方式。该机构从1985年开始接待国际学生,发展至今已有几百个高品质教师家庭接待过数万名国际学生。体验过的小学,中学,大学以至于成人学生,都深深受益于这种全浸泡式的特殊学习方式,充分体验美国普通百姓的日常生活,快速提高英语水平,并对学生未来学业职业规划产生积极的影响。



Cooperate with California CEH Organization, to give Chinese students the opportunity to live in Californian teachers’ home, and experience the lifestyle of the American middle class. It can Improve students’ English, immerse in American culture, and has a positive influence on students' future academic and career planning.
Students will have their English level tested; and a Personalized plan for 1V1 teaching will be proposed for them to meet the challenge and achieve ultimate goal.
Program: in additional to immersion study, teachers will arrange activities at beaches, family and friend’s parties, surfing, tennis, local shopping Centre etc., In summer, students can join the summer camps in California.

Class Structure: Personalization 1 to 1
Period: optional to be one week to one month stay in USA
Service: The chairman of CEH Mary Makena will take into account the different characteristics of each Chinese family/student, to arrange Chinese students go to the best matched families of American teachers to experience the American way of life.
Provide comfortable single rooms or suites, meals each day, also introduce the student to an abundance of learning, including entertainment and social life
It not only can improve the student’s English quickly, but it will also be a lifetime memorable trip to the United States.
Suitable Applicants:
- Students who want to experience living in with an American teachers’ family and experiencing a typical American culture.  
- Good introduction for students who have plans to study abroad.